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How to Use Speechtree...

Speechtree is for professionals who provide training in articulation for schoolage children. Through their account they can assign parent logins which will allow parents to work with their child using weekly printable games and materials. Professional subscribers can modify the accounts associated with their subscription at any time. Change the speech sound assigned to a family for home practice any time throughout their 1 year access. Therapists have full access to weekly games and all of the speech sound packets in pdf format. For a quick description of Speechtree click on the two minute video below.

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Q. How does Speechtree work?

A. Professionals who work with schoolage children on their articulation can buy a subscription. When they login to Speechtree they can enter a parent's email and specify a speech sound for that parent's child. This sound should be one that the therapist feels comfortable passing to the parent for practice. Read More...

Game of This Week for Subscribers

Fairy Tale

In order to get game of the week you need to subscribe to one of the three subscriber packages. Subscribe Now...